What’s going on Impact Asylum? It’s been a while since I’ve made one of these! For those who are new to the column, it’s a column where I sit down, lay out the PPV card and give my predictions for every match! This time, I’m giving my predictions for Impact Wrestling’s biggest PPV event of the year, Bound For Glory 2019 LIVE from the Odeum in Chicago, Illinois! Let’s get right into it.
The Rascalz vs Aerostar, Taurus and Dr. Wagner Jr:
The Rascalz - So this match has gotten zero build thus far so I’m assuming it’s just going to be a nice high flying spotfest match to start off the show. The Rascalz lost to the Desi Hit Squad but I don’t think Impact is giving them a losing streak storyline. There’s absolutely no reason for the Rascalz to lose here, and defeating a bunch of AAA legends in the process will hopefully boost them up the tag ranks as the Rascalz could easily fill in the hole that LAX left with their departure from the company.
The Rascalz - So this match has gotten zero build thus far so I’m assuming it’s just going to be a nice high flying spotfest match to start off the show. The Rascalz lost to the Desi Hit Squad but I don’t think Impact is giving them a losing streak storyline. There’s absolutely no reason for the Rascalz to lose here, and defeating a bunch of AAA legends in the process will hopefully boost them up the tag ranks as the Rascalz could easily fill in the hole that LAX left with their departure from the company.
Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match:
Someone New - With all the talent and promotions that Impact has worked with over the course of the year and especially this weekend, I’m expecting this match to include a lot of indie talent and to give them a bigger stage to sign. Of course some of the Impact talent that aren’t on the card will be in this match but I feel like Impact booked this match to get someone new over that they have in mind. I’m not necessarily saying it’s a big name, but they’re going to give the title shot to a newcomer to Impact.
Someone New - With all the talent and promotions that Impact has worked with over the course of the year and especially this weekend, I’m expecting this match to include a lot of indie talent and to give them a bigger stage to sign. Of course some of the Impact talent that aren’t on the card will be in this match but I feel like Impact booked this match to get someone new over that they have in mind. I’m not necessarily saying it’s a big name, but they’re going to give the title shot to a newcomer to Impact.
Michael Elgin vs Naomichi Marufugi:
Michael Elgin - Same case as the first match, there has been absolutely zero build to this match as well and even though it more than likely will be the match of the night, I just don’t care. They could have at least done segments talking shit about one another or something, right now it just falls flat. And again, same case as the previous match, no reason for an Impact talent to lose on the biggest show of the year so this will just be a fantastic showcase for Elgin and hopefully he can go back into the title picture as he’s been stuck in limbo for a while now.
Michael Elgin - Same case as the first match, there has been absolutely zero build to this match as well and even though it more than likely will be the match of the night, I just don’t care. They could have at least done segments talking shit about one another or something, right now it just falls flat. And again, same case as the previous match, no reason for an Impact talent to lose on the biggest show of the year so this will just be a fantastic showcase for Elgin and hopefully he can go back into the title picture as he’s been stuck in limbo for a while now.
Moose vs Ken Shamrock:
Moose - Somehow, some way, Impact has managed to get me super invested into this feud and into Ken Shamrock in 2019. If not the first, it’s easily the second match I'm most excited for on the card. I’m not expecting a 5 star clinic or anything but the build has been fantastic and as long as they bring the intensity to the ring I’ll be fine with it. With that being said, please Impact do not pull a TNA, give the win to Moose. He needs it and it will continue his legends killer gimmick and the hell of a performance he’s been putting on as a heel. This man has been stuck in limbo for quite some time now so hopefully he gets back into the title scene after this program with Shamrock.
Moose - Somehow, some way, Impact has managed to get me super invested into this feud and into Ken Shamrock in 2019. If not the first, it’s easily the second match I'm most excited for on the card. I’m not expecting a 5 star clinic or anything but the build has been fantastic and as long as they bring the intensity to the ring I’ll be fine with it. With that being said, please Impact do not pull a TNA, give the win to Moose. He needs it and it will continue his legends killer gimmick and the hell of a performance he’s been putting on as a heel. This man has been stuck in limbo for quite some time now so hopefully he gets back into the title scene after this program with Shamrock.
Impact Tag Team Titles: The North vs Rich Swann/Willie Mack vs Rob Van Dam/Rhino:
The North - To be honest, I almost completely forgot to add this match to my column and realized at the last minute that I didn’t even mention it. The build has been very simple and for this kind of match it’s all that was needed but Impact has done a poor job giving it screen time so I kind of forget every week that it’s happening until Impact shows up a 30 second interview between the teams again. The match should be good but I see the champs retaining. The North have been fantastic champions and although Swann and Mack would be good champs, I hope Impact splits them up and actually use them properly in the main event scene.
The North - To be honest, I almost completely forgot to add this match to my column and realized at the last minute that I didn’t even mention it. The build has been very simple and for this kind of match it’s all that was needed but Impact has done a poor job giving it screen time so I kind of forget every week that it’s happening until Impact shows up a 30 second interview between the teams again. The match should be good but I see the champs retaining. The North have been fantastic champions and although Swann and Mack would be good champs, I hope Impact splits them up and actually use them properly in the main event scene.
X-Division Title Ladder Match: Jake Crist vs Tessa Blanchard vs Daga vs Ace Austin vs Acey Romero:
Tessa Blanchard - It pains me so much to write that, I would much rather Jake Crist retains or Ace Austin wins it but without a doubt the title is gonna go to Tessa Blanchard. I’m not going to rant again about why I think this is a bad idea since I’ve done it plenty of times already in past columns but I just hope that Impact takes the lesser of two evils and keeps the title on Tessa instead of the cash in that we know is more than likely going to happen. Besides that, I’m expecting this match to be pretty fun and of course just a pure spotfest.
Tessa Blanchard - It pains me so much to write that, I would much rather Jake Crist retains or Ace Austin wins it but without a doubt the title is gonna go to Tessa Blanchard. I’m not going to rant again about why I think this is a bad idea since I’ve done it plenty of times already in past columns but I just hope that Impact takes the lesser of two evils and keeps the title on Tessa instead of the cash in that we know is more than likely going to happen. Besides that, I’m expecting this match to be pretty fun and of course just a pure spotfest.
Knockouts Title: Taya Valkyrie vs Tenille Dashwood:
Taya Valkyrie - I just can’t come to care for this program whatsoever has Tenille has been phoning it in ever since she debuted on Impact. I guess this is the snacks break. But in all seriousness though, with Tenille’s future with Impact up in the air after Bound For Glory, Impact would be dumb to put the title on her, and this program has been so insignificant, you would expect a big program to take the title off the longest reigning Knockouts champion. Unless they’re going for shock factor, but still… Taya retains because she’s just too damn good.
Taya Valkyrie - I just can’t come to care for this program whatsoever has Tenille has been phoning it in ever since she debuted on Impact. I guess this is the snacks break. But in all seriousness though, with Tenille’s future with Impact up in the air after Bound For Glory, Impact would be dumb to put the title on her, and this program has been so insignificant, you would expect a big program to take the title off the longest reigning Knockouts champion. Unless they’re going for shock factor, but still… Taya retains because she’s just too damn good.
Sami Callihan - Please Impact Gods, bless us and finally pull the trigger on the Sami Callihan title run (and yes that includes Tessa not cashing in the X-Division title in the same night). For the first time in a VERY long time I’m actually invested in an Impact main event, should it be PPV or their weekly show and I’m super pumped to see who walks out champion. Of course this could go downhill quickly with the cash in but I’ll remain optimistic and hope it doesn’t happen. One thing I noticed is that Sami hasn’t even mentioned that he’s the one that ended Brian Cage’s undefeated streak in Impact, yet they’ve mentioned that Mack and Swann have defeated Ethan Page and his partner before. Anyways, besides that, if they keep the shenanigans down, this should be a very fun and great match to end off the show.
As the years go by, it’s getting more and more clear that Slammiversary seems to be the main PPV for Impact. This card of course looks super good though still and I am pumped to see it, but Impact should maybe rebrand their PPV’s just a tiny bit and start promoting Slammi as their go to event of the year. Overall, like I mentioned already, looks like a good card, there’s however room for a bit of dumb TNA decisions and a certain Tessa booking that may ruin certain matches but besides that, I’m excited to see what Impact will show us come Sunday in a sold out arena. This wraps up another Fireguy’s Predictions! Leave your predictions in the comments below, my name’s Fireguy and I’ll talk to you all a little bit later.
As the years go by, it’s getting more and more clear that Slammiversary seems to be the main PPV for Impact. This card of course looks super good though still and I am pumped to see it, but Impact should maybe rebrand their PPV’s just a tiny bit and start promoting Slammi as their go to event of the year. Overall, like I mentioned already, looks like a good card, there’s however room for a bit of dumb TNA decisions and a certain Tessa booking that may ruin certain matches but besides that, I’m excited to see what Impact will show us come Sunday in a sold out arena. This wraps up another Fireguy’s Predictions! Leave your predictions in the comments below, my name’s Fireguy and I’ll talk to you all a little bit later.